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Surge’s Positive Environment

September 10th, 2021

Here at Surge, we are proud of our positive environment. We work hard to make sure everyone is as happy as possible and really that’s the way everywhere should be. But what do we do to make sure Surge is as good a place as it can be? And what can other places take from us? 

The PERMA Model

The PERMA model was created by American psychologist Martin Seligman and according to his research, there are five elements that people need to achieve a feeling of well-being, fulfilment and satisfaction. Surge nails this model, any great workplace should. We nail it because it’s how work should be, not because it’s recommended, but what does PERMA stand for anyway?

Positive emotion. The first step is - as you might have guessed - all about feeling good. When you’re happy, you’re positive, this doesn’t just mean a quick smile though. 

Engagement. Being engaged is obviously something you want at work. You want something that you can get stuck into and enjoy working on. Everyone has got lost in their own world, depending on if it’s reading a good book or playing a game.

Relationships. Working relationships are important, after all, you spend 8 hours a day with your coworkers. No one likes not fitting in and according to Seligman we actually need interaction and affection. 

Meaning. We all need meaning in our lives, there is more to life than just working, money and material possessions. We need friends, experiences and something to focus on.

Accomplishments. Everyone has accomplishments and things we take pride in, it could be our work, children or something you do for others. 

What We Do

Red neon sign saying good vibes onlyOf course, no one is happy 24/7, we all have good days and bad ones but we’ve done our best to make our workplace as good as it can be. Separate from our main office space there is a breakout area with a pool table, PlayStation to enjoy and bean bags to relax on if you don’t want to sit at your desk. 

Here at Surge, we make sure that progression is at the forefront of all employees' careers. Want to expand your knowledge of your role? Great, that helps our company, and also personal development of our employees.

We’re a tight-knit group here, you can tell from our office parties and pizza days. Our team is made up of people of different cultures and backgrounds, so no matter who you are you’re sure to fit in here. 
Office space with a pool table bean bags fish tank and plant wallWe want to make sure our partnerships are as meaningful as possible and work alongside our clients to achieve goals. We also support a number of local companies impacting the area we live in as well as a number of charities. 

Here at Surge, we believe that good work shouldn’t go unnoticed. We have monthly meetings to recognise those people who have performed exceptionally that month and have smashed the goals they’ve set, so rest assured accomplishments don’t go unnoticed. 

We’re proud of our working environment and believe we set a high standard for our industry. This shows in our excelling performance for clients, as well as the happiness of our staff!